Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rhymes with Dancer - a poem by Tricia

I can'be belive it's happening, I'm just thirty-nine.
I was doing pretty good, if fact, almost  fine.
Then some tests, a surgery, a couple of cross sections,
was called to Doc's office where I  asked some dumb questions.
Got "your're lucky,  caught it early" and a  life changing answer,
" Yes, I'm afraid,,, what  we're talking about rhymes with dancer."


  1. Knocking at your door,
    I hate this Mister C.

    He shows up uninvited,
    And asks for cake and tea.

    His company is boorish.
    He’s ruining your day.

    You sigh “I don’t have time for this…..”

    And poison his Earl Grey.

  2. Well stated. Thank you Carolyn.

  3. Roses are red
    Smurfs are blue
    I love my Tricia
    and I like tofu.

    :) Miss you, chica!
